Initiative Bio Bretagne (IBB) is a regional umbrella organization of the organic sector in Brittany, France. Created in 1995, it brings together different interested parties : organizations of organic producers, suppliers of goods (animal feeds, inputs, material…), processors, distributors, service providers (training, research, technical advice), and associations of consumers.
Initiative Bio Bretagne is a place of exchange, dialogue and representation in which the professionals of the organic sector become participants in the field of organic regulation, the organic partnership chain, research, communication, and catering.
Organic Farming in Brittany
At the end of 2013, about 1,848 organic farms in Brittany operated on about 66,752 ha of land (4.1% of the total agricultural area of the region). The main organic products are cow’s milk, vegetables, and eggs. A large part of the organic area is used to produce forage crops (grasses, etc).
Furthermore, around 786 Brittany processors, importers and wholesalers were certified organic iat the end of 2013. Also in 2012 there were about 241 health food stores. The organic distribution network in Brittany is one of the best serviced and diversified in France.
Organic production, process and distribution has been developing dynamically in recent years in Brittany.